Very simple and easy backup of your data and photos. No single point of failure. USB flash drive needed 4GB about $10. to $20. 1. Make sure that the flash drive is clean - Does not contain U2 or other autobackup utility. Ask Mark if you are not sure. Do not plug it in your computer if it has a autobackup utility. 2. Insert flash drive 3. Note which drive letter it always gets assigned: B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K ... 4. Select "EflashBU.bat" for a drive E for example 5. The program may have to be modified with Mark Shaw for special problems. 6. Place it in the correct folder - ask Mark - usually Documents or My Documents 7. Try it. Check it out. 8. If it works, make a shortcut on your desktop to use it. 9. In Molokai computer club, this can be accomplished by following the above instructions given in a presentation. Mark Shaw 1:54 PM 10/3/2010